Learn how you can manifest the desires, intentions and goals for any aspect of your life in a consistent way, in co-creation between the joyful creator in you and your Soul’s wisdom.

This is as much a workbook with specific steps as it is a self transformation book and a spiritual growth book. It is all about manifesting through meditation, and also about translating that into daily practices and actions. With that and an open heart and mind (knowing that reality is not what is seems,) Joyful Manifestation shows you how your life can be and is a miracle, every day.

Get the book, apply the practices and see change happening not only for you, but also for those around you and ultimately our world

Who is this book for?

Welcome to the 3rd installment in the Awakening To Joyful Living Tools series. While The SEE Approach provided you with a universal tool to address any pain in your life and Joyful Economy showed you how to establish a set of foundational, liberating spiritual practices, Joyful Manifestation is the next big step, building on these practices.

What can be used for?

The process you will learn works equally well for small, short-term manifestations, for those that take multiple years and everything in between. It can be applied to any area of life. You will learn the process by actually doing a simple manifestation. You will also find case stories in the book, describing small, medium and big manifestations.

How does it work?

You will learn the process step by step, by actually doing a simple manifestation. The steps are quite simple and don’t take much time. And, practice and loving dedication are essential. It’s what will enable your Joyful Manifestation process to work optimally and consistently.


I just love your book! Where others just scratch the surface of what manifestation means, you go deep. The process presented is easy to follow and so multifaceted. As someone who has been on a spiritual journey for many years, I feel that I have outgrown a lot of the books on manifestation and spirituality. Your book is a true gem for anyone who wants to go deeper into manifesting in co creation with soul. I have a feeling that this book will be my close companion for years. And it arrived in my life at exactly the right time.
—Linda Westlund (Sweden)

Halina has written an exceptional book on manifestation. It is evident that she has deep experience at manifesting (following the neat, very practical steps laid out in the book). It is like she speaks directly to you. I had a profound, intense, and deeply satisfying manifestation experience going through the steps. I can only recommend you buy this book if wanting to manifest your desires – big or small!
—Michael Rohde (Denmark)

Halina is speaking directly to me , the reader, with her wise voice in this book. Her writing is clear and easy to understand for everyone. I just love this book and want to recommend it to anyone who wants to enjoy to learn about the art of manifestation.
—Marianne Milda Ødegaard (Norway)

Joyful Manifestation is a simple, but also comprehensive formula of having our desires brought into reality. It fuses a popular concept of Manifestation with what’s truly matter on our path to having fulfilled and happy life – Joy. The author shares her proven step by step process that works when it comes to manifesting anything in life. Going through the steps given , it’s not only immersing into the Manifestation process, but also coming to deeper alignment with oneself and understanding the deeper core of having some desires and their true purpose. This book is a refreshing outtake on the concept of Manifestation and having a happy life without overindulgence in using the term Law of Attraction.
—Anna Bartoszewicz (UK)

The manifestation industry has always made me feel as if I was being tested, examined. Halina has an ability to make it a wondrous journey. Exploring landscapes and cages inside yourself, with both anticipation and playfulness. Her easy to follow guidelines are spiced gently with her own experiences, following the process. That makes it a joy, and I can't wait to see where it leads me.
—Helle True (Denmark)

It is so simple. Every day starts with a surprise because of the book. I just love it.
—Line (Denmark)

A Conversation About The Book And Beyond

"Joyful Manifestation—What It Is And Why It Works" - an enlightening Soulivity Today conversation with Halina Goldstein, author and Brian Westley Jones and Sheila Applegate, hosts.