Halina Goldstein is the author of spiritual poetry, fiction and non-fiction living in Denmark and working globally. Explore her books here.
Halina fell in love with words when she was 5 years old. The relationship changed radically when her family emigrated to Denmark. Fortunately, where her native Polish withered, seeds of English found fertile ground. At the same time, Halina became a spiritual explorer.
She has always been drawn to attempting the impossible: connecting with that which is invisible and expressing that which cannot be expressed. She has published poetry, fiction and non-fiction books, her poems have been featured in several magazines, and more is on the way. She is also the founder of Awakening To Joyful Living.
Halina has been dedicated to spiritual and personal growth since 1973. For the first decades of that journey, she struggled with loneliness. Eventually, thanks to deep inner work as well as a series of breakthroughs into awakening, she found out how to SEE, unlock and expand into love, joy and purpose, for herself and for her clients.
Exploring our relationship with money has been an important aspect of that journey, expressing itself first in the form of Busting Loose From The Money Game (Halina was Robert Scheinfeld's first authorized coach) and more recently in the form of her Joyful Economy book.
As a spiritual mentor, Halina worked with therapists, coaches, teachers and creators who have dropped out of a successful career to follow their dream. Halina helped them find out what it is that is really their life’s work, and then bring it to the world from a space of joy, certainty and flow.
Halina no longer accepts new clients though - her focus is entirely on writing and publishing her work. Meet her on Goodreads here.
She does, occasionally, offer public reading and keynotes.