CHANGE … “may be calling you
But it is for you to choose
The place and the time
Of your arrival
But how to choose?
That’s the question…
How do we know when it is time to wait, when it is time to prepare, when it is time to cross a border? How do we discern between impulse and escape, between going too fast and postponing. What is the right time for change?
I just watched “Harriett”, a film based on the life of Harriet Tubman. My heart is overflowing with gratitude for a woman who dedicated herself to freedom again and again, at a time when it seemed to be an impossibility. Her life still an inspiration more than 100 years later, all over the world.
How did she know when it was time to move and when it was time to wait? She listened and watched. She listened and watched what life was showing her, but even more so what was being shown to her through visions, guidance, intuition. That was her ultimate compass. Her life (and the lives of hundreds of others that she led back to their freedom) proved her inner compass was more dependable than anything else.
That’s how alignment works. The time and the place is for us to choose – and yet we make the choices in surrender, in alignment to the greater wisdom within us. The more we can align with that place in us, the more joy we will find, throughout changes too.