Do you have a profound, active interest in creativity? As in, you ️ write, paint, play (or something else creative). Maybe it’s not something you do regularly but when you do it feels very important, very close to your heart and soul.
It feels so right. Time disappears. You are in a world of its own. And the joy of it! 

It’s one of the most fulfilling experiences you know. Few things are as exciting and fulfilling as creativity. However…
If at the same time (as is the case for most) creative expression is not what your business or job is about, then getting back to your “normal work” (even if it is work that you like) again and again can feel both frustrating and confusing. It can lead to doubts.
And so you ask yourself…
“What is my real work? What am I really meant to do? And why doesn’t it just happen? What is my life purpose”

It is a deeply challenging state to be in, and it gets more so as you get older. Because something in us naturally yearns to know our purpose, to live it. To be and do what we are here to do.
So why is it so difficult to have that clarity and then create a way of living and working from there?
Often, the reason for it is because we, in a sense, don’t understand our own journey, or our true purpose.
The journey is not a straight line from one point to the next. The purpose can elude us. So many times we think we have found it, and then again not.
It took me a long time to gain a deeper understanding of that journey, what stages it takes us through, and what is required at each stage for us to move forward.
I shared it my in a masterclass, and now it has become a (free) video course.
And no, it doesn’t superimpose some fixed answers on you.
It helps you understand your unique journey, and gain more clarity from there.

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